Saturday, October 30, 2010

Homicide (1991)

If a Film's greatness is to be judged by its inherent capacity to puzzle/make a person think, this should easily be the greatest Film of all time by a country mile !

My second viewing but it was like watching a brand new Film unfold in front of my eyes !! The mental conflict of choosing between professional integrity and ethnic loyalty is captured disarmingly with subtle finesse and characteristic Mamet bluster.

The film is a social commentary, a character study and a genuine mystery all rolled into one. So essentially, you get 3 Films here, livened up by razor sharp "Mametspeak" and culminating in a trademark "con" that Mamet is so famous for.

Most people who have seen the Film are likely to be disillusioned because the ending seems to raise more questions than answers. But in Mamet's world, conspiracies operate in a much wider space than normal and a "straightforward" explanation is just not on because too many things happen simultaneously.

Mamet is a genius because his elliptical explanations are not "complete' which hints at a plausible suggestion that some things happen by chance and that's why his Films (flawed diamonds) are such fun for an intelligent and discerning Cinephile.

OUTSTANDING Film that's a must watch !

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