Friday, December 21, 2012


The last couple of days in the social media world have been particularly trying. If the crap about the Mayan Apocalypse was not enough, the social media sites were agog with news and reactions concerning the Delhi rape incident. I usually don't bother making my observations known or jotting 'em down but I noticed something pretty peculiar this time around which prompted this.

I saw a lotta males going to great lengths to not only 'condemn' the admittedly horrendous incident (which was ok in a way) but also reiterate the fact that THEY RESPECT WOMEN thanks to the values fostered by the females in their respective families. And not so surprisingly, a large number of the female sex nodded their vigorous assents collectively. My first reaction went 'eh' & then when I cottoned on, I saw that this was crap. A rape is not the consequence of a single factor. Let us stop kiddin' ourselves. Precious few (if any) men look at ALL women with respect. Only genuine saints/sages are mentally/spiritually evolved enough to view all humans in an equally dispassionate manner. The rest (This includes ALL men) are not averse to viewing some women as sexual objects. While an overwhelming majority have the mental apparatus to restrain themselves, the rest are ticking time bombs waiting to explode. There may be a variety of reasons why a rape is committed. This is a phenomenon that has been happening for thousands of years. A lotta ppl. seem to think that castration/hanging would put an end to it. While it may certainly reduce the number of cases, rapes will still occur. Just like how murders still occur and will occur.

Coming back to the "I RESPECT WOMEN CUZ I WAS BROUGHT UP BY STRONG WOMEN" junta, I have a few things to say. It is not incorrect to assume that a sizable number of females associated with the rapists have been good sisters, doting moms and grandmoms. Frankly, a lot of reactions and 'chest thumping' have approached high camp. I may be cynical but it just didn't ring true. While everyone were busy conjuring ways to best torture the rapists, no one deemed it necessary to point out the fact that the rapists were inebriated when they committed the heinous crime. That's not so surprising cuz most of these punks cannot  'outrage' against the evil effects of alcohol for obvious reasons. We seem to think that it is the duty of the Government to guarantee safety for women. It is at best, an utopian dream. I have outraged against this spineless,gutless Govt. myself but that was ONLY regarding its indecisiveness to be strong and come down hard and fast against offenders. Booze,skimpily clad women and horny men make an explosive cocktail whichever way you look at it and blaming the Govt. is all too convenient an exercise.

While I bloody well accept the fact that this is not an ideal situation, one has to appreciate a parent's concern in ensuring the safety of his/her child. Criticising them cuz they are loathe to give 'freedom' to their female wards is bull. All they are doing is minimising the risk probablity of a mishap happening. Venting and outraging against such things never help. I was amused on receiving a lotta "STOP RAPE NOW" petitions. Me signing it won't help a fart.

Salman Khan mouthing crap was the last straw. The daft punk owes a large chunk of his inexplicable popularity to chest thumpin' misogyny. Alcohol,mental afflictions, dearth of moral fibre,impact of crap filled films and disintegrating family life all play a part.

I respect female intelligence so this is all that I've gotta say to 'em - The world is a fuckin' jungle. Deal with it and do what you have to do to be safe. 

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